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Leah Aldridge
Categories: News


Leah Aldridge


3 Out of 4 Georgia Women Surveyed Have Concerns About Personal Safety Stemming From Open Border Policy


The DNC wrapped up last week with declarations of joy and promise for a better economy and a safer, more secure country for the next four years. But, here in Georgia, questions remain for women voters.

Tori Williams, President of Women Lead Right’s Chapter at The University of Georgia, shares:

“As a UGA student, I have seen and felt the ramifications of Kamala Harris’ failed border policies for the past three and half years. While I want to look forward, I cannot forget Laken Riley, a young, vibrant UGA nursing student, living 1100 miles from the southern border. She tragically lost her life to one of the undocumented criminals who slipped into our country during Ms. Harris’ leadership. We cannot let Laken’s death go unanswered or tolerate another four years of this administration’s open border policies.”

Additionally, female students on Georgia Tech’s campus share similar concerns. Chloe Satterfield, President of Women Lead Right’s Chapter at Georgia Tech, commented: “Not only are we worried about the 10+ million illegal immigrants pouring into our country, but also, the thousands of pounds of deadly fentanyl and methamphetamines causing death and destruction of innocent people. Many believe only border states are feeling the impact from the White House’s failed policies, but the violent death of UGA student, Laken Riley, underscores that this is not the case. Vice President Harris, who claims to be a modern champion for women, has left us feeling unsafe on our morning runs, walks to class, and nights’ out with friends.”

What was left unsaid last week is why Georgia’s women should double down on Ms. Harris’ border security and economic policies when they have failed us thus far. Reflecting the UGA School of Public and International Affairs, June 11-22 poll, 3 out of 4 women recently surveyed by Women Lead Right are worried about their personal security due to this administration’s open border policy. Border security was listed second to the economy as the most pressing concern to them

Leah Aldridge, founder and president of Women Lead Right notes, “For four days last week, the DNC presented good theatre, but lost the plot. Georgia’s moms can’t make ends meet, our college-aged women cannot find jobs and not one Georgia woman can forget Laken Riley. Border security is American security. Kamala Harris’ abject failures over the past three years put us all at risk.

“Good vibes” can’t mask bad policy.


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